To begin, you must have a live capture or have a previous capture loaded. To replay a capture, simply click on the Play Arrow at the bottom left side of the screen to view the capture in a continuous forward playback at a chosen speed. You can adjust the playback speed on the right side of the playback bar. Speeds range from actual time to 1/128 speed. The default speed is 1/8 to allow for good visualization for analysis while observing the swing as whole.
You may select specific moments in the capture (address, mid-back, top, mid-down, impact, mid-follow, finish). The capture will play on a continuous loop until you press the stop button. While the capture is playing, it will continue to play as you utilize various settings such as changing the perspective or zooming in and out. You may also manually navigate through the capture forwards or backwards by clicking and dragging along the playback bar.