Gears3DX Performance & Risk Assessment
Gain insight into your performance level and where you’re at risk for injury using our smart data-driven performance screen.
SIGN UP LEARN MOREWhy Is Gears3DX Motion Capture the Best Tool for Improving Performance?
Gears3DX performance screens give a deep, detailed breakdown of performance metrics and injury risks that are otherwise invisible to the naked eye, and even high speed 2D cameras.
With a crystal-clear, 3D rendering of the player, we identify performance potential and injury risk to help you develop the strongest and healthiest athletes.
How it Works
Athletes will attach small retroreflective to their clothing or skin and go through a research-based Gears movement screen comprised of various skills that test balance, symmetry, power, speed, and control. The Gears3DX intelligence runs a deep analysis on each movement, providing the athlete with a detailed performance report identifying their capabilities and unique movement signature. Athletes and their coaches can use this information to customize their workout/exercise plan to achieve peak performance and reduce the risk of injury.

Optical Motion Tracking
Gears is an optical (camera-based) motion tracking system, powered by eight 1.7 megapixel cameras running at up to 360 frames per second. The primary advantage to marker-based tracking is accuracy. Human movement is quick and precise. The difference of one degree or one inch is the difference between success and failure. Our sub-mm accuracy ensures that every aspect of your movement is detected. Additionally, it offers numerous advantages over other approaches, including:
- Markers fastened to your skin or your own clothing or custom-made, comfortable compression suits
- Measurements as fine as 0.2mm
- No wires attached to the user
- Simple system setup
- Absolute positioning with zero drift (unlike inertial systems)
- No restrictions on movement – capture just about anything!
- Measure every joint angle and segment instantly
- The best comparison tool available